Very important: the health benefits of lemon

Lemon of the famous and in every house plants, but do you know what are the benefits of lemon in this article brought to you more than 16 benefit of lemon follow me.

Aljmziat of lemon, but it is more the stuff of which corresponds to the alkaline in the body of the piece too many benefits to balance the acidic and alkaline body.

16. health benefit of lemon

1. Lemon and alkalinity in the body: citric acid but it helps in the formation of alkaline fluids in the body, helping to re-balance the pH in the body.

2. lemon rich in vitamin C and flavonoids that work against infections such as influenza and the common cold.

Liver loves lemons: "The wonderful lemon tonic to the liver, one of the solvents of uric acid and other toxins, yellow weasel," says Shoaib Claus in his return to the Garden of Eden. Fresh lemon juice is added to a large glass of water in the morning is a great detoxifier for the liver, and this of the most important benefits of lemon with water

4. The benefits of lemon cleans the intestines: Lemon helps increase peristalsis in the intestines, which helps to liquefy the bowel movement and thus eliminates waste and help him bowel regularity. Add lemon juice and drink it with Almealsakn Ali Al-Sabah sponsor that doing the job and this is also the most important benefits of lemon juice

5. The benefits of lemon with the skin he Aaziz skin health and renews its youth: lemon rich source of antioxidants that prevent free radical damage and helps vitamin C found in lemon on skin elasticity to prevent the formation of wrinkles and skin imperfections.

6. citric acid in the lemon juice helps to dissolve stones in the gallbladder, and calcium deposits in the kidneys.

7. Vitamin C in the lemon helps to neutralize free radicals associated with aging and most types of Notifiable associated with skin.

8. lemon peel contains tangeretin a powerful nutrient, which has been proven effective for brain disorders such as Parkinson's, and this is also the most important benefits of lemon peel

9. In India, the fruit of the lemon is used in the treatment of vision improvement, especially constipation if used with mint. This is also the benefits of the most famous lemon with mint

10. Lemon It destroys intestinal worms.

11. The benefits of the strangest lemon it addresses the lack of oxygen and difficulty breathing

12. Lemon has strong antibacterial properties. Lemon juice tests have found bacteria destroys malaria, cholera, diphtheria, typhoid and other deadly diseases.

13. Lemon Aaziz blood vessels and thus prevent internal bleeding. Also, the lemon is useful in the treatment of high blood pressure.

14. Lemon has been proven that addresses the symptoms of eye disorders, including retinopathy caused by diabetes.

15. Lemon contains 22 anti-cancer compounds, including limonene naturally occurring. Oil that slows or stops the growth of cancer tumors and flavonol glycosides which stop cell division in cancer cells.

16. Theory (RBTI), the lemon is the only food in the world that has the (negatively charged ions). All other foods are positive and this makes it good for health too and this was the most important benefits of lemon

Benefits of the lemon for the face and skin

1. Lemon mask to moisturize the skin and face
Lemon moisturizer for dry skin mask by mixing equal amounts of lemon, honey and olive oil. Apply the mixture to the dry areas on the face and leave to dry completely for 10 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.
As for oily skin, a tablespoon lemon juice, 2.1 tablespoons of distilled water, and. Use cut cotton to apply this mixture on the skin and then rinse. You can store the lemon mixture in the refrigerator for about a week.

2. lemon to lighten dark spots on the skin

Put the lemon juice with an equal amount of water and then Daehm in Tsttaan bottle of liquid spray which then Start spraying liquid on your face away from the eye of course

Use lemon peel rub it on your face for a short time this helps to clean the skin and lightened with the passage of time

Agheraia catches skin whitening from here

 Cut the lemon slices and then put them in the water for five minutes and then squeeze it on a piece of cotton and then rubbing your face
3. Lemon for the treatment of acne
1. kills bacteria
2. reduces the fat in the skin, which prevents the appearance of acne
3. reduces redness and scars
Astkhaddmah previous ways

13 Agheraia way to treat acne

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