The treatment of stretch marks and the white lines on the thighs and legs pictures

Weight fluctuations and pregnancy and the rapid mutations in growth can cause stretch marks occur on the legs and scarring of the skin. And it appears when many women are some signs such as white lines or red lines on the thighs. Although there is no specific way to remove stretch marks, but you can hide stretch marks on the legs using make-up or self-tanning
 The treatment of stretch marks and the white lines on the thighs and legs pictures

First, to reduce existing stretch marks:

1. Note: You must determine whether the stretch marks are red or white markings, and because the red stretch marks can reduce the appearance of some products using either white stretch marks most creams do not affect them.

2. You must soften the legs: by doing some simple things such as yoga or squat or walk or jump. You can ask for help from his coach to improve your leg exercises needed to and so that the strained muscle beneath your stretch marks. Although the fixed muscle does not enable you to get rid of stretch marks on the skin but it Tqlll of the appearance of cellulite that appears in the same areas after a period as a result of stretch marks that have emerged. Weight reduce stretch marks and there it becomes easier to hide quickly the great weight loss may lead to excess skin in some areas such as the legs may cause loss.
3. Visit a dermatologist: You can request a recipe or cream for the treatment of stretch marks red. The doctor has prescribed cream Retin-A and the effectiveness of this cream has been proven to reduce the impact scars.

     Can dermatology doctor also prescribe topical steroids for use with cream Retin-A.

4. moisturizer such as cocoa butter applied daily backup methods before applying any recipe, you can put them all on at night before going to sleep. Here are recipes for the treatment of stretch marks
Secondly the use of make-up to cover the stretch marks:1. peeling skin with a body massage in the morning and so if you want to hide stretch marks. Try the experience of body massage cream contains caffeine and material that may give the appearance of taut and smooth skin.White lines2. You can go to a store cosmetics: and so for the purchase of cream to hide defects such as legs monastery Mapellnd cream and not only available in most large chain stores or over the Internet and will work to hide tattoos or scars or stretch marks.

Acquaintance with different types and to choose the degree to which color suits your skin and remember that it may be darker or lighter than the facial makeup.
And if you are going out in the sun for a long time, preferably choose cream hide the flaws and includes a sun visor. This is because the sun and reduce the elasticity of the skin and make it more susceptible to the appearance of stretch marks.
If you do not get Taatkmen Ali Karim hide the flaws you can use a moisturizer to cover the red marks.White linesWhite linesWhite lines
3. You can use the distribution of cream base brush, the distribution of the holy well on the skin until it reaches all areas with stretch marks.

You can wear a swimsuit during the use of Quran.4. Use a thin layer of make-up and so that you can achieve the desired results.5. Use a small brush to apply the powder and powder left a short time before changing clothes to a short skirt or shorts.

Or you can use Sticky spray to control the make-up cream hide the flaws.670px-Cover-Up-Stretch-Marks-on-Legs-Step-7670px-Cover-Up-Stretch-Marks-on-Legs-Step-8670px-Cover-Up-Stretch-Marks-on-Legs-Step-9
Way 3-3 self-Dabbagh to cover the stretch marks:1. Find Self-Dabbagh of the legs: There are many brands in the pharmacy and specially designed for legs. And in the beginning you should test the product on a small area of ​​skin to test sensitivity.

This method is the best for you if you suffer from a white stretch marks, which appeared long ago.
Preferably choose self-Dabbagh, who does not come in a bottle spray, you will need to use solution.2. peeling legs before applying self-Dabbagh: preferred peeling legs in the morning and then remove the dead skin cells so you get the effect of self-Dabbagh as long as possible.3. crush the little self-Dabbagh in a dish or bowl. Will be a dish or bowl of your make-up.White linesWhite linesWhite lines
4. Apply a little self-Dabbagh on a piece of cotton to try it.5. Apply self-Dabbagh along the white lines on the leg of cotton clean.

If you have difficulty accessing all stretch marks you can use, mirror or ask a friend for help.6. When applying self-Dabbagh left to dry and preferably read the instructions on the package.7. errors that can occur, such as dark spots cleaned by a damp towel correct. Peeling massage cream can erase lines in places and the capacity of the skin.White linesWhite linesWhite lines

Advice :

If you do not have time to find a decent Javi appropriate degree of color defects to your body you can look it up at your local pharmacy.
And if you do Taatkmen to find the appropriate cream foundation that matches the color of your skin Buy a lighter weight and darker productTools you'll need it:

Reptan a.
Cocoa butter.
Body massage cream.
Powder brush.
Cotton swabs

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