The benefits of dates

Benefits strange dates
Showed dry dates analysis - According to medical sources - that the 70.6% of carbohydrates and 2.5% fat and 33% of water and 1.32% of mineral salts and 10% of the fiber and the amounts of Alchoramin and vitamins A - B 1 - B 2 - C, and protein and sugar, oil, lime, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, potash, manganese, chlorine, copper, calcium and Almngeniziom.

This means that to pass great nutritional value, a tonic for the muscles and nerves and restored and nape of the manifestations of aging, and if added to the milk was the fittest of food, especially for those who have weak digestive system.

The nutritional value of the dates match for some of the types of meat and three times the thickness of the nutritional value, which benefit people with anemia and respiratory diseases and is given in the form of a paste or drenched boiled and drank in batches, and benefit especially children and young people, young people and athletes, workers and convalescent and the thin and women pregnant.

And increases dates in the children's weight and saves the eye and luster moisture and prevents protruded Krtha and wicker, struggling Algshao and strengthens the vision and the nerves of hearing and calms the nerves and strengthens and fights nervous anxiety and activates the thyroid gland and commonly peace and tranquility in the soul capturing the morning with milk Cup, and unrelenting blood vessels and moisturizes the intestine and keeps them from weakness and inflammation and strengthens the booths the brain and sexual power and strengthens muscles, dizziness and struggling jink sight and inaction - when fasting and weary -.

And dates easy fast influence digestion in the revitalization of the body and it generates urine and cleans the liver and wash the kidney, and soaked benefit against coughs and bronchitis, phlegm, fibers struggling constipation, and mineral salts alkaline modify the acidity of the blood that causes the stones kidney and gall bladder, gout, hemorrhoids, high blood pressure and add the walnuts, almonds him or eaten with milk increases in effect, but does not prevent the dates for the obese and people with diabetes.

It was found that wet Includes depressing material to the womb-like oxytocin handled wet helps out the fetus and reduce bleeding after childbirth, as wet as preservatives blood pressure it also helps to reduce the bleeding, as well as the birth process stressful, which requires energy and wet rich in sugar, which gives this energy .

The vitamin A that contains dates It helps to prevent the growth and Asha (night blindness) and helps the skin soft and moist membranes that line the nose and throat to remain intact.

And vitamin (b) the date maintains the integrity of the nervous system and protects against nervousness and obstruction of appetite, and digests Alkarimaiah and fatty and maintains the integrity of the tongue and lips, madness and prevent Alblajr (bug accompanied by a skin rash and weakness and disorder intestine and nervous system).

The sugars are Alglakoz dates and Allikuluz and saccharose comes initially absorbed by the body easily and quickly is up to the blood Along tissues and cells in the brain and muscle power and heat Vtmanhaa a diuretic and beneficial to the kidneys and liver.

Dates and rich in phosphorus, which increases the vitality of the brain and sexual activity.

Came about dates and the benefits of eating a lot of stories about the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family infallible (peace be upon them), including Abu Abdullah for his fathers (peace be upon them) said: Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) said: (what you eat pregnant Nothing Ttdaoy doing better than wet).

Perhaps that is the secret of the Almighty and the Almighty said to Mary (peace be upon her) when he surprised her labor to the trunk, as we read in the Qur'an (and shake the trunk of The Palm fall fresh ripe dates upon you * I feel very much and drink and villages in kind).

And Abu Abdullah the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family) to Ali (peace be upon him): (O that I like to be a man Tmraa).

In an interview with the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) said: (good Tmratkm Alberni Votamoa wives in Addiqhn your children graduated Halme).

And the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) said: (EAT dates in which the cure of ills).

And the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family): (EAT dates on an empty stomach, he kills the worms in the abdomen).

And him (Allah bless him and his family): (became of some dates of Ajwa does not matter that day in the magic cm).

He wrote this medicine infallible (peace be upon them) are full of novels about dates and Hear impressed.

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