Carob and health benefits for humans

Carob and health benefits for humans

Carob of more material that we hear a lot about this and its importance
 And its effectiveness in many medical and therapeutic uses has become
Enters in a lot of pharmaceuticals and still a lot of scientists
They are many studies to discover more of its benefits and its importance
 We would like to mention that carob is a type of legume species that we get
 Coach of the shrub, which is present in the Mediterranean region
It is of evergreen trees as they grow in the tropics
 And warm and desert and this is what made it famous in southwest America
 Carob and we benefit from it through the gum or the fruit itself Each part
 Of this fruit it is used for a particular thing of medical matters.

We would like to inform you that some Arab countries are making honey from carob
EZE for a drink and a good and extend the power of the human body and reduces problems
 Psychological, depression, fatigue and laziness is Kmahdye for the body and the human being.

And now we have talked about the importance of carob and its uses may note that it is useful
 For all parts of the body in terms of dental and respiratory system, kidneys and other
It is very necessary and important elements that go into many
Of medical preparations that we need Kmsthoudrat teeth whitening
Many medical, pharmaceutical and we use frequently
And a lot of current scientific studies is the discovery of new benefits
And a modern element of carob because of its active role in many of the solutions to problems
 Diseases and physical and even psychological ones and for being one of the pulses has been easy
 Get him to places he was in the desert, we are in Arab countries
 Most Tdharysna desert and this is what makes us rich element carob Many
 Countries became encourage and support the cultivation process
Vohmath made us unable for indispensable.

Carob importance:
1. helps stop diarrhea to being an entrepreneur for the movement of fluid within the intestines
 Hafez is also fluid.

2. killer of germs and toxins that may absorb up to the human body.

3. diuretic milk for breastfeeding.

4. diuretic.

5. important for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome.

6. protect and preserve the freshness and balance the body.

7. activates chew gum at the mouth also gives a pleasant smell.

8. whitened teeth nicely.

9. treats sinus infections.

10. treats inflammation of the vocal cords.

11. tonic blood vessels.

12. strengthens the body's immune system.

13. treated for constipation.

The benefits of carob
* Magically adjusts the bowel movement where the treatment of diarrhea
 Constipation at the same time and in the event of diarrhea in infants you
 However, adding one teaspoon of carob powder to drink milk that baby.

 * Carob is an antibiotic and an anti-parasite and a judge quickly
Germs being a therapist alkaline antacid and absorbed toxins
In the intestine.

* There Bakherob gummy substance that helps to get rid of stomach ulcers
 And intestine constitute this dye insulating material help to heal and kill
 Bacteria and parasites found within the human body.

* This magic to ease acute cough
 And it works to expand Respiratory people.

* Learned from carob as a beverage or Kdbs so irresistible factors
Fumbling and is used for children of the Secretariat of the absence of side effects for him.

* Carob is generating good for Paul and thus helps to rid the body
Of excess water and this is used for patients with ascites.

* The carob Adrar milk of women breast-feeding as it contains vitamins
And metals and chemical composition of milk gives a higher nutritional value.

* Reduces carob cases of vomiting and introductions
Because in it alkaline property.

* Proven its ability to reduce the proportion of diabetes and cholesterol
Not to mention the high ability to stimulate blood circulation.

 * Strengthens and increases the efficiency of the immune system

* Strengthens the nervous system being contains vitamin A and B "types".

* Was chosen as "appropriate solution" to the problem of osteoporosis spread
Among women Fajloh of oxalic prevents the absorption of calcium
And the rest of mineral elements.

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